Tuscumbia City Schools Academic Policy
Grading Procedures
- General Grading Scale
- Grades for academic coursework will be awarded according to the following scale:
Grading Scale |
Quality Points |
Letter Grade |
Course Average |
Regular |
Advanced Placement/Honors/Dual Enrollment/PLTW
A |
Cannot Exceed 100 |
5 |
90-100 |
4 |
B |
80-89 |
3 |
4 |
C |
70-79 |
2 |
3 |
D |
60-69 |
1 |
2 |
F |
0-59 |
0 |
0 |
*Note: The maximum number of points allowed for grading purposes is one hundred
(100). “I” (Incomplete) is not to be inserted in lieu of a grade without principal’s approval
and proper documentation.
- Advanced Placement, Dual Enrollment, and Honors (Must be Board Approved):
Numerical grades in Advanced Placement (AP) courses (approved by the College Board) and
Dual Enrollment courses (approved by the Board) will be weighted by adding ten (10) points to the final grade. (The addition of points for AP courses is contingent upon students taking the AP
Exam.) Honors courses (approved by the Board) will be weighted by adding five (5) points to the final grade.
- Failing Grade: Any grade lower than 59.4 will be considered a failing grade. In grades
K-8 multiple failing grades in core subject areas will result in the student failing the grade. In grades 9-12, failing grades in core subject areas will result in the student repeating the course in a board approved summer school setting or traditional course offering.
- Rounding: Any fractional part .5 (1/2) or over will be rounded up to the next whole number (examples: 90.5 = 91, 89.5 = 90, etc.).
- Grading
- Excessive Absences: Excessive unexcused absences may result in a loss of academic credit and/or referral of the student and parent to the Colbert County Juvenile Court for habitual truancy as per the Alabama Code §16-28-14 Tuscumbia City Schools Board Policy Code of Conduct, Regulations Governing Attendance 9.J. Extenuating circumstances will be considered if the parent petitions the building principal and Director of Student Services for Tuscumbia City Schools.
- Grade Categories and Weighting Grades 6-12: There shall be two different categories for each course, Test and Daily. The Test category shall be weighted at 60% of the nine week, semester, or yearly grade. The Daily category shall be weighted at 40% of the nine week, semester, or yearly grade.
- Grade Categories and Weighting Grades K-5: There shall be two different categories for each course, Test and Daily. The Test category shall be weighted at 50% of the nine week, semester, or yearly grade. The Daily category shall be weighted at 50% of the nine week, semester, or yearly grade.
- Grade Justification Grades 6-12: Each teacher must always be able to provide evidence (graded materials) to justify a grade given on an assignment for each nine weeks, semester, or year. Students must be assigned a minimum of 18 grades per subject area, of which there should be a minimum of 4 tests per grading period. (Tests may be used in the form of chapter tests, unit tests, essays, projects, and any other content comprehensive assignment as determined by the teacher.) *Exceptions: Physical Education, Choral, and Band
- Grade Justification Grades K-5: Each teacher must always be able to provide evidence (graded materials) to justify a grade given on an assignment for each nine weeks, semester, or year. Students must be assigned a minimum of 15 grades per subject area, of which, there should be a minimum of 3 tests per grading period. (Tests may be used in the form of chapter tests, unit tests, essays, projects, and any other content comprehensive assignment as determined by the teacher.) *Exceptions: Elementary Physical Education, Music, and Conduct
- Amount of Grades per Progress Report: There shall be a minimum of 6 grades per 3 week reporting period, of which, 1 must be a Test.
- Course Standards: All grades used for determination of a student’s grade must be on grade level standards and IEPs followed if the student has a current IEP.
- Progress Monitoring: Teachers must continuously monitor the progress of students in their classroom. Any student that is in danger of failing a subject must be referred to the school’s Problem Solving Team in order to determine the best possible methods to ensure standards for the course are mastered. Research has determined that one of the best methods for ensuring standards are met is through re-teaching of the content. Teachers must ensure that standards met and not met are re-taught throughout the year through new or comprehensive assessments administered to all students.
- Digital Gradebook: Every cell that is identified as a gradable assignment for a student must have a grade listed. If the assignment is not submitted on time or the student was absent on the day of the assignment, a grade of “0” (zero) must be entered. Any student with a valid excuse may make up the work according to the guidelines specifically stated in the Tuscumbia City Schools Code of Conduct. *All digital gradebooks must be updated weekly by the teacher of record.
- Assignments: Each graded assignment must be recorded in the digital gradebook. The importance of an activity or test should be reflected in the value assigned to it in the overall evaluation design and communicated to the class.
- Excused Absences: Students who have missed assignments based on excused absences will have three (3) days, upon return to school, to communicate with the teacher of record and develop a plan in which to make up the work missed. It is the responsibility of the student, parent, or guardian to arrange with the teacher to make-up work.
- Unexcused Absences: Students who miss school due to unexcused absences will receive a grade of zero for any graded assignment missed. For further clarification, please see the Tuscumbia City Schools Code of Conduct.
- Retention:
- Retention in Grades 6-12: Students in grades 6-8 who do not successfully complete each subject area with a minimum grade of 60% may be retained. Promotion of students in grades 6-8 shall be determined by successful completion of English, Math, and at least one other core subject. Students in grades 9-12 who do not successfully complete each core subject area with a minimum grade of 60% will be required to retake the course either in a Board approved summer school (highest grade to be awarded may not exceed 70%) or through the traditional school setting.
- Promotion/Retention in Grades K-5: Promotion-Standards for promotion are designed to ensure that students have successfully acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to be promoted to the next grade. The standards shall ensure uniformity and consistency within the Tuscumbia City School System. Students in kindergarten must meet the identified Alabama State Course of Study Standards and be proficient at a level determined by the teacher, school interventionist, and building principal. Students in the 1st through 5th grades are required to have a 60% average in four of the five following areas with Reading, Language, and Math being three of the four areas.
- Promotion in Grades K-5: Standards for promotion are designed to ensure that students have successfully acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to be promoted to the next grade. The Standards shall ensure uniformity and consistency within the Tuscumbia City School System. Students in kindergarten must meet the identified Alabama State Course of Study Standards and be proficient at a level determined by the teacher, school interventionist, and building principal. Students in the 1st through 5th grades are required to have a 60% average in four of the five following areas with Reading, Language, and Math being three of the four areas to be considered for promotion to the next grade. *Reading, Language, Mathematics + Science and /or Social Studies
- Retention in Grades K-5: Students who have not obtained mastery of Alabama Course of Study Standards at a minimum of 60% will be considered as not proficient. Students in grades K-5 who are not successful in passing the subject areas of Reading, Language, and Math + one other subject will be considered in need of Retention.
- Placement: Students may be placed to the next grade level at the discretion of the building principal. Understanding that not all students excel at the same level, Tuscumbia City Schools wishes to ensure that all students have the opportunity to grow academically. Students who are placed to the next grade will start the year under the supervision of the local schools Problem Solving Team until the student has demonstrated sufficient academic progress.
- Calculation of Final Grade in Grades 6-12: The final grade for a one credit class will be determined based on 40% for each nine weeks grade and 20% for the final exam (40% + 40% +20%) for semester long courses. The final grade for a one credit yearlong class will be determined based on 40% for each semester grade and 20% for the final exam (40% + 40% +20%). The final grade for half credit classes will be determined based on 80% for the nine weeks grade and 20% for the final exam (80% + 20%). If a student has earned an exemption the final grade will be calculated based on 50% of each semester for a yearlong course (50%+50%) and 50% of each nine week course for a semester long course (50%+50%).
- Calculation of Final Grade in Grades K-5: Nine weeks grades are determined by calculating averages based on 60% tests and 40% daily work. The final grade for each subject area will be determined based on 50% (50% + 50%) for each nine week grade.
- Progress Reports/Report Cards: Progress reports will be available to students, parents, and guardians every three weeks and six weeks during the nine weeks grading period. Report cards will be given at the end of each nine weeks. Students, parents, and guardians will utilize the digital gradebook system provided by the Alabama State Department of Education to monitor their student’s progress. Students, parents, and guardians without the use of proper technology will be afforded an opportunity for a paper copy of each progress report and report card.