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Accountability Reports

In order to comply with the Alabama Code, Section 16-6B-7, the State of Alabama's accountability law, the following reports have been made available by the Tuscumbia City School System:

  1. Financial Exhibits A-I-I through A-III-VIII - available for review in the Accounting Office, located at 303 North Commons Street East, or on the Tuscumbia City Schools website, under "Departments → Finance → Accountability Reports."
  2. Student Achievement Reports - available at the ALSDE website ( under Reports & Data, School Performance, Proficiency. This information includes math, reading, and science assessment data.
  3. School Safety and Discipline Report - same as the Student Incident Report (SIR) is available for review in the Accounting Office, located at 303 North Commons Street East, or on the Tuscumbia City Schools website, under "Departments → Finance → Accountability Reports."

It is the desire of the Tuscumbia City School System to comply with the law and make these reports available to the public while saving as much paperwork and expense as possible.


Chief School Financial Officer