Jamari Terrell Williams Act
Jamari Terrell Williams Bullying Prevention Act
Jamari Terrell Williams You Tube
Common Forms of Bullying
Bullying Prevention Curriculum and Talking Points
This link will provide you with a bullying prevention and talking points so that we all can reduce bullying in the schools.
Tuscumbia City Schools Bullying Prevention Plan
This plan identifies the Jamari Terrel Williams Student Bullying Prevention Act, No. 2018-72. It defines bullying, describes expectations of students, consequences of violations, reporting and investigation, and the promugation of the Board policy.
Reducing the Effects of Bullying
This paper identifies the positive impacts of instituting a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports plan in the local school.
Bullying Complaint Form
Please download and complete this form if you feel you have been the target of bullying at any Tuscumbia City School. You may email, mail, or deliver to your local school principal or Mr. Paul Pickett at pjpickett@tuscumbia.k12.al.us
Jamari Terrell Williams Bullying Prevention Model
Jamari Terrell Williams Bullying Prevention model