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ACAP Summative Assessment

State Accountability Testing for Grades 2-8

Beginining in the 2019-2020 acedemic school year, all students in grades 2-8 in Alabama public schools will measured on their academic growth from the previous grade to the current grade along with their current academic achievement using the Alabama Comprehensive Assessment Program or otherwise known as ACAP.  The ACAP will assess standards that students should master in their current grade based on the Alabama Courses of Study for English/Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science.

  • All testing will be online using Chromebooks.
  • 2nd grade testing will serve as the baseline for students moving forward and will be tested on English/Language Arts, and mathematics.
  • All students will be assessed on English/Lanugage Arts and mathematics yearly. 
  • Students in grades 4, 6, and 8 will be assessed on science standards along with English/Language Arts and mathematics. 
  • Students in grades 4 through 8 will also be assessed on a writing component that will be a text dependent analysis.  The student must develop a comprehensive essay response to the prompt that is given.

ACAP Summative

This link will take you the Alabama State Department of Education's site regarding the ACAP Summative Assessment. 

Online Training Tools

Resources to help students succeed on the ACAP.