Public Participation
The Board encourages citizens of the community to appear and bring before the Board any matter deemed important to the improvement of the school system.
All delegations or individuals who wish to appear before the Board shall submit their request in writing to the Superintendent at least seven (7) business days prior to the meeting date. Such requests shall specify the nature of the business to be presented to the Board and the approximate time required. Each delegation which appears before the Board shall select one of its members to serve as spokesperson and provide his or her name to the Superintendent. The spokesperson shall adhere to time allotments as specified by the Board presiding officer.
The President of the Board shall not be obligated to recognize any person who desires to address the Board unless the topic has been properly placed on the agenda for that meeting.
The Board authorizes the President or presiding officer of the Board full authority to terminate the remarks of any person when such remarks have as their objective a personal attack on any person associated with the school system.