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Ways to Donate

The Tuscumbia Education Foundation can only function with donations from people and businesses all over the Shoals area. This is how we support the kids, teachers, and administration of our school system. If you're interested in making a difference in our city, please check out the donation methods below.

Cash App

Cash App QR Code



PayPal QR Code


1855 Club

1855 Club Logo

For those interested in contributing on a more regular basis, please consider the 1855 Club, and organization established to honor the creation of the Tuscumbia City School System in 1855. The purpose of the club is to gather like-minded Tiger families, alumni, and fans to support our school system where state funding falls short. We ask for a either a contribution of $18.55 per month or $1855 annually. If you're interested, please email for information on getting signed up.